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Rare earth mining warrants contraction of nearly h

2012 will continue to use the rare earth calculated after December 17, the website of the Ministry of Commerce issued the "2013 rare earth export enterprises the online publicity List (hereinafter referred to as" export list "), and announced that, in accordance with enterprises export performance calculated to produce the first batch of 2013 export quotas. Which have been identified and, subject to audit, the number of firms were 25 and 4, the total number decreased slightly over the current year.

At the same time, on December 13, the Ministry of Land and Resources official website announced further identified to increase the protection of the rare earth and other dominant mineral rare earth mining rights will be 113 down to 67.

In this tenement contraction Battle, the game to become the focus of the central enterprises and local state-owned enterprises. Investment Advisor in the metallurgical industry researcher Yuan Zhibin, due to the local government holds local rare earth resources have home advantage, the local state-owned enterprises have the clear upper hand.

Received only a handful of central enterprises

In the newly released "export list" there is not much suspense, Minmetals, Sinosteel, China Nonferrous Metals Import and Export of aluminum and other central enterprises have shortlisted, local rare earth operation platform Baotou Steel Rare Earth, Rising colored in standings, some local businesses get the job little overall pattern.

2012 issued by the Ministry of Commerce annual rare earth export quotas for a total of 30,996 tons, and the fact the person in charge of a separation of rare earth enterprises in Ganzhou told reporters overseas markets this year, the demand for China's rare earth products plummeted, leading some companies export The quota does not run out.

And back to the industry itself, since the MIIT "Do you want to integrate the country's rare earth companies for 2-3 large enterprises" target the integration of Southern rare earth has been in the anxious state, central and local state-owned enterprises, the game is intensifying.

September 13 this year, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the Notice that, according to the Ministry of Land and Resources <the State Council on promoting the sustained and healthy development of rare earth industry Opinions implement the requirements of the notice "After verification, rare earth prospecting and list" and rare earth mining rights list to be announced. Which rare earth exploration licenses for 10, Jiangxi has three, two in Gansu, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan each one.

The rare earth mining rights abatement from the original 113 to 67, including Jiangxi has 45, Sichuan 7 5, Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan, Hunan, Guangxi and Shandong, one each.

Yuan Zhibin that the contraction of the mining warrants another punch in the country early after the promulgation of a series of integrated rare earth industry policy, rare earth integration process onto the fast lane.

From mining warrants allocation point of view, the number of central enterprises received only a handful. Minmetals by Minmetals Rare Earth Jianghua Co., Ltd. in Hunan get a mining warrants, he was the barrier outside the largest rare earth market - Jiangxi. An industry analyst told reporters, rare earth reserves with rare earth resources in six southern provinces, Hunan bottom of the rankings, accounting for no more than 5% in the country's reserves. Earlier in the competition for rare earth resources in Fujian and Xiamen Tungsten, Minmetals same forced out.

Guangxi Nonferrous Metals Group in aluminum by Chinalco, Guangxi Nonferrous Metals Group and Grirem New Material Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between Chongzuo Rare Earth Development Co., Ltd. in Guangxi to get a mining warrants significance seems to be greater, the company already has yttrium-rich europium ion type rare earth ore reserves.

And in addition, other central enterprises have been completely out of the game in the Battle of the mining rights dispute, the local state-owned enterprises to become the next dominant.

Which, Jiangxi Province, 43 of the 45 mining warrants Ganzhou Rare Earth Mining Group has this year once the impact of IPO after in July blocked another Ganzhou Rare Earth Rare Earth Enterprises Qiandong Changting County, through its subsidiaries, Fujian Xin rare earth Co., Ltd. in Fujian Province to obtain mining rights. Another colored giant river in Jiangxi Copper Group only through Sichuan, Jiangxi Copper Rare Earth Co., Ltd. in Sichuan, a mining warrants.

5 mining warrants market in Fujian, Xiamen Tungsten is only controlled by the Fujian Sanming Rare Earth Materials Co., Ltd. one. Platform integration of rare earth resources in Guangdong Province Rising colored Guangdong three mining warrants through three subsidiaries of its holding. Sichuan, a mining warrants obtained by the development of Tibet, a subsidiary of Xichang Industrial Co., Ltd. of chi energy.

Rare earth prices have to bottom

In terms of price, the Ganzhou separating enterprises person in charge told reporters, rare earth ore prices are now about 380,000 yuan per tonne excluding votes from the heyday of 2011 dropped to 150,000 yuan per ton, the lowest closing price in the 12 million. He believes that prices fell the biggest reason is that the decline in demand. Currently, the maximum demand of domestic rare earth products from the Japanese market seriously affected by the export industry. Chinese restrictions on rare earth exports, the U.S. rare earth mining recovery, leading Japan to the United States to buy rare earth increase. Domestic market, separating enterprises inventory has not run out, did not buy the demand.

The business people told reporters that the rare earth mining costs 80,000 yuan / ton, does not count various RBI expenses, 12 yuan / ton price also makes business owners mining has been affected. Part of the original miners have joined the real estate industry to to grab higher profits.

Yuan Zhibin by overcapacity, rare earth prices have been declining from the beginning of the year, in a series of policy tightening, rare earth prices bottomed out at the end of the year is expected to.

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